I had completely forgotten about this site - had got so tied up in other websites.....
How could I have forgotten about blogging about cats?!
I attended another Animal Communication Course with Pea Horsley in April and have been practising my communication skills since then. I love doing this. My cats like this too obviously!! If you would like me to practice my communication skills talking with your cat please contact me at gillian@one-nature.org If you need or want to know how your cat is feeling, what s/he needs etc etc this can be very helpful. All I would need is a photo of your cat and to ask a few simple questions ie the cats age, sex and how long s/he has been with you. I can also communicate with animals that have passed into Spirit.
One of my cats Ginge, pictured above, died on December the 21st and I wrote an article about this very special event on my other site One Nature. You can see there too, how I had become so engroseed that I had forgotten all about this little site.
I will be coming back often to blog about Cats, its great doing this, sharing information and sharing the love I feel for my beloved Cat Companions.