Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Its A Tough Life Being A Tom Cat

Well here I am yet again feeding another stray cat. A big Ginger Tom who mews very loudly for food.

I'd heard about him from my landlady as the neighbours were not enjoying his behaviour, especially his habit of spraying around their houses and in their sheds and fighting with their cats. My landlady was threatening to catch him and release him far away.

According to my neighbour the veterinary nurse, who is always giving me some tit bits of information about cats:

Toms patrol territories which can be quite extensive and fight both for territory and for females. When a cat is neutered his strength diminishes and he has to live in between the corridors of the territories of the more dominant males. This is fine if he's a house cat, where he is well looked after and doesn't have to fend for himself. However, if he is neutered and then dumped somewhere strange, there is a big possibility that he will starve to death, as he will spend most of his time living in extreme anxiety trying to keep out of the way of the dominant males.

In the last few months both I and then a friend of mine, found emaciated Tom cats that had contracted FIV. On both counts the Veterinarian euthanized them. This is very sad and it led me to thinking yet again, what a tough life Tom cats can live. I suppose I will have to get this big Ginger one neutered and add him to my lot........

see my other cat blog: catsweloveyou.com/blog

Friday, October 30, 2009

Communicating With Animals

I'm so looking forward to the Animal Communication Workshop that I'm organizing next year....

I first contacted the Animal Communicator Pea Horsley from the UK, in 2008 when I wanted to write about the subject in a newsletter. That same year, I got to know her more, when she helped me with Vlad a very sick cat that died later in my bed.

After that experience I decided that to learn how to communicate with animals myself and set about organizing the forthcoming workshop, purely selfishly so that I could learn how to do so.

Pea sounds so lovely and gentle on the phone, no wonder animals are happy to talk to her.

Pea's Website

I have only in my life so far, had one experience of direct telepathic communication with an animal. We had just brought Lady our new beautiful cat back from a Shelter and she was settling in. We lived on the first floor of a large house, I was meditating and the window was open. I got a distinct picture of a feeling, that's how I can best describe it, that Lady was about to jump and she did.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Healthier Cats Now

Well, I'm very glad to say that over the last few months I've been treating my cats as I'd like to be treated in the food and medicine sense - as naturally as possible.

After much illness and weakness the cats are in general looking in much better condition and are certainly looking pretty happy.

I still give the cats the odd tin and some dried food but the main bulk of their food is either raw pet mix from the local butcher, which they like and cooked fish heads from the local fish merchant, which they adore. I cook the fish in a huge saucepan and freeze some, so that it lasts about five days in all.

I find that the cats like alternate meals of fish and meat with the odd tin and handful of biscuits thrown in. Some of the cats are more junk food orientated, the fattest cat refuses to eat the raw meat.

I also supplement their diet with cod liver oil and brewers yeast and their coats certainly look nice and shiny as a result.

This regime works out much cheaper than feeding them with tinned food, the bones I give to the Crows and then what remains after the birds have picked over it, goes into the earth as fertilizer.

I feel much happier feeding them like this and they certainly seem to be responding well to this regime.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Nutritive Supplement for Ageing Dogs and Cats

I just received this helpful recipe from Veterinary Secrets Revealed

Its a Nutritive Supplement for ageing Dogs and Cats. I particularly like it because its totally natural, can be assembled in the kitchen and uses some wild plants from the garden (so called weeds).

The recipe sound pretty good for humans too.

Combine equal parts of:
-Dandelion leaf
-Ground flax seed (or fish oil for cats)
Dose: 1 tsp per pound of food fed daily for dogs - 1/2 teaspoon
daily for cats.

See my other cat care blog for more ideas

Visit my review site for Veterinary Secrets Revealed

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Good Healthy Cat Food

I've had cats for many years and its only very recently that I've come to realise what a very unhealthy diet I've been feeding them. I suppose like many people who have fed their cats canned food and biscuits from the supermarket, I've assumed these things to be good for them, believing the advertising unquestionably. Not to mention the convenience factor of cans and packets from the shelf. Some cat food packaging says that the tin contains 4 per cent of meat and when you think about it, thats not a great deal of meat for a carnivore.

If you want to learn about the contents of commercial pet food and what the manufacturers aren't telling you and what the words mean on the labels I would recommend you read the following book: Food Pets Die For Essential and eye-opening reading for anyone who lives with animal companions.

Click here for a link to a site with lots of recipes for making your own cat food at home: for cats and kittens, for sick cats and for cats with kidney problems and for fussy cats too. I must say that the recipes are delicious sounding and not too difficult to make at all.

I am a big advocate of Veterinary Secrets Revealed where you can find recipes and advice to learn how to take good care of your cat and heal it at home.

Click here for prepared natural food that you can order on line.

Food is the basis of good health and once we know how best to feed our cats lets use this knowledge to keep them healthy and happy.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Caring For A Dying Cat

Two nights ago one of my cats died in my bed...

As I looked at the first post I wrote here on blogger a few days ago, I see that I spoke about Phoebe a cat I helped both into and out of this world.

When I was a child I remember most distinctly the peculiar feeling, of a pregnant cat's waters breaking over my legs in my bed, she had her kittens there too. So having a cat die in my bed with me, was like the completion of a cycle in some way and a new experience too, one that I don't particularly want to repeat ......

However, the likelihood is great it seems, given that these animals are such a huge part of my life.

As my cat became sicker I decided to contact an animal communicator I knew, to ask her about him. I wanted to know whether he wanted to die at home or at the vet's. The communicator (Pea Horsley of animalthoughts.com) talked to him at a distance using his photo and the questions that I gave her to ask him.

The cat wanted very much to live and so with the things he communicated to me through Pea we spent a day fighting his illness. I'd acted too late (many regrets here) and he lost his brave fight that night.

As a result I'm going to set up a workshop in my locality, so that an animal communicator can come and teach us how to listen and talk to our animals.

If we want to know whats best for our cats and speaking from my recent painful experience, I'd say that communicating with them would have to be the best way forward.

Meanwhile the love in my heart for all creation and appreciation of this wonderful life grows. Especially for cats!

Click here for more cat talk

Click here for Pea's website

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Close To Companion Cats

Cat lovers don't need to be told by scientists that cat companions are good for their health!

My cats keep me sane and peaceful and make me feel loved. To give and receive love is fundamental , its like a food and without the love of my cats I think I'd wither away.

Cats lives are so much shorter than ours, that's the only thing that makes getting close to them hard. For the chances are great that we will outlive our cat friends and have to grieve for the loss of them in our lives.

I've only ever had one cat, a beautiful black and white female called Phoebe, that I helped both into the world, when she was born and out of the world, when she died quite young, from a car injury that punctured her lungs. There is something very special about that.

I read recently an inspiring book that cites overwhelming evidence for life after death. The author Emma Heathcote-James says that the bond of love we have with our pets continues on after a beloved animal dies. The thought of meeting up with them later is a very comforting one....

A I write this Sparkles sits on my lap and Ginge sits on the arm of the chair, waiting I think, for more food.

They remind me of the beauty and transience of life and help me to appreciate it more and more each day. I am so thankful that they came into my life and that they continue to honour me by sharing it with me.

Click here for more chat about companion cats